FiveInCommon helps Families, Couples & Individuals find friends in local communities.

Meet people with similar interests who live nearby.

We created FiveInCommon for parents, couples, and individuals. FiveInCommon is a Community-Based Social Matching App.


Cultivate friendships that last.

It can be time-consuming making new friends. Social circles evolve as we move for a job, have kids, change neighborhoods, raise kids and go through life.


FiveInCommon recommends people you should meet who live nearby and share similar interests

Create a profile and get recommended matches to other amazing people.

For each match recommendation, you can choose Say Hello, Maybe or Pass.

  • Say Hello to send a message to someone you would like to meet. If they accept your request, you can chat with them.

  • Choose Pass if you are not interested in meeting that match.

  • Choose Maybe if you would like to view the match again later.

Matching Criteria


  1. Communities

    Communities are like groups. Join one or more communities to meet people in the same community.

  2. Interests

    Tag your personal interests and activities. Meet people living a similar lifestyle.

  3. Distance

    Life is better with friends nearby. People closer to you are prioritized. Max distance is 25 miles.

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Helping connect people within communities

meet people in your neighborhood or view the growing list of other communities.





